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Excellence in Early Childhood Education Through Apprenticeships


如今,许多准父母得到的第一个建议就是尽快进入托儿服务的等候名单. 科罗拉多州的儿童保育领域充满了更多的需求,许多社区无法满足和启动 Universal Preschool Colorado during the 2023-2024 school year will likely exacerbate existing staffing shortages.

CMU Tech Early Education Apprenticeship Specialist Mindy Gutierrez explained, “今年很多托儿机构无法开放所有的教室,因为他们没有合格的员工.”

With many families struggling to find high-quality care, CMU科技致力于通过提供创新的服务,在育儿沙漠中打造一片绿洲 early childhood educator apprenticeship program 增加当地社区合格工作人员的数量,帮助家庭, support local businesses and create higher paying job opportunities.

Funding for this apprenticeship comes through a two-year grant from the state’s Early Childhood Education Department (CDEC). 这只是该州三个试点项目中的一个,科罗拉多州是全国六个提供这种早期儿童学徒机会的州之一.

CMU Tech already offers day, 为追求幼儿证书和学位的个人提供的夜间和在线课程, 但是学徒制可以让学习者在获得大学学分的同时在当地的托儿机构获得薪水,学生也可以通过合格的过去工作经验获得大学学分. 学徒计划对所有年龄段的学生开放,从高中三年级和高年级的学生到希望进入该领域或获得高级幼儿教育证书的成年人.

通过该学徒制获得美国劳工部颁发的儿童发展助理(CDA)国家学徒证书, students must complete 2,通过国家培训和CMU技术学院的幼儿教育课程,接受了000小时的在职培训和190小时的相关技术指导. The apprenticeship is competency-based, so students can move as quickly or as slowly as needed to complete their hours. As an added incentive, 如果学生在项目中达到标准,CDEC还会提供金钱奖励, 学生们在学徒期取得进步的同时,还会获得资助的加薪.

当地的儿童保育企业也从该项目中受益,它们现在用学徒填补空缺职位,并在学生完成项目后雇用和留住他们. 在学徒完成他们的工作时间时,他们还可以获得工资报销,以减少他们的工资. To date, 18 workforce partners have hosted apprentices including private, public and family childcare homes.

他说:“参与项目的雇主可以通过拨款为学徒获得50%的工资报销,许多雇主还选择与其他当地组织合作,支付另外50%的工资报销. So, for a period of time, they were paying zero payroll for their apprentice employees,” Gutierrez explained.

In addition to the financial benefits of the apprenticeship, CMU理工学院的幼儿教育教师致力于与学生建立牢固的关系,并确保每个学生在整个项目中都有强烈的归属感和支持感. 每个学徒都有一个积极和支持的导师老师,在工作中帮助回答问题并提供反馈.

儿童早期教育技术指导老师和CDEC项目的首席调查员韦尔·休兹-麦科尔解释道, “我们的项目关心我们的学徒,并建立关系,以便我们能够最好地支持他们. 除了找到一个带薪的学徒设施外,我们还努力为他们的职业成功寻找额外的支持. 这个项目作为一个切入点,学生可以继续获得更高的学位,从而获得更多的职业发展和收入机会.”

Gutierrez echoed Shoultz-McCole and added, “We’ve been knocking on doors and saying, “是什么阻碍了你获得证书或获得证书?? How can we help you? What are the barriers you are facing?’ We make sure to let prospective students know that we can offer wraparound services, English language learner support, help with tuition and scholarships and provide mentorship.”

With many childcare facilities in need of bilingual employees, 并有能力通过学徒计划为他们的国家证书增加双语认证, CMU Tech has worked hard to make the program accessible to everyone in the community, including English language learners and first-generation college students. 学徒计划的学生接受技术指导,以成功地驾驭在线学习组件, 有些课程现在用西班牙语和英语授课,并提供学习课程,帮助学生准备双语认证考试.

In total, 26 students have enrolled in the program since its inception, 6月27日,在CMU理工的Chez Lena餐厅举行的庆祝活动上,前五名完成者获得了认可. Two of these completers also earned their bilingual certification. 目前仍有21名学生在这个项目中学习,他们正在努力获得国家证书,到目前为止,保留率一直无可挑剔.

The program has funding secured through 2024 and is currently accepting students. 鉴于该项目的成功,shoulz - mccole乐观地认为,资助可能会延长到很远的未来,但他鼓励个人尽快注册,以利用通过赠款提供的所有好处.

如果你或你认识的人有兴趣参加早期儿童教育学徒计划, please reach out to Mindy Gutierrez via phone at 970.255.2726 or via email.

The program is also looking for additional workforce partners. 需要有能力的工作人员的公立和私立托儿机构都应该联系Mindy Gutierrez,了解更多参与项目的好处. Providers in Mesa, Montrose, Delta, San Miguel and Garfield counties are currently eligible to participate.


Written by Giff Walters